
胡国庆1,李 萍1,温 韬2,谭冠晖1*

(1.广西工业职业技术学院,南宁 530001;2.广西壮族自治区产品质量检验研究院,南宁 530000)

摘要:为提高仙草的综合利用价值,以感官评分和质构为考察指标,以白砂糖、仙草提取液的添加量及发酵时间进行单因素试验,同时以感官评分为响应值,对仙草酸奶工艺参数进行响应面优化。结果表明,仙草酸奶的最佳配方:仙草提取液添加量9.28%、白砂糖添加量4.9%、发酵时间6.11 h。在此条件下,所制作的仙草酸奶感官评分为8.23分;口感均匀细腻,无分层、无颗粒沉淀、无气泡,具有独特的仙草风味。优化工艺条件下的仙草酸奶酸度为76oT、蛋白质含量为3.0g/100g、乳酸菌数为2.4×108 CFU/mL,未检出大肠菌群,检测结果符合国家相关食品标准对相应指标的要求。质构结果表明,仙草酸奶在硬度、弹性、胶粘性、咀嚼性均显著高于不添加仙草提取液的普通酸奶 (P<0.05)。


中图分类号:TS252.54 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2024)04-0066-0007

Study on the Optimization of the Process and Texture of Set-style Yogurt with the Extract from Hsian-Tsao

HU Guoqing1,LI Ping1,WEN Tao2,TAN Guanhui1*

(1.Guangxi Vocational and Technical Institute of Industry,Nanning 530001,China;2.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Product Quality Inspection Research Institute,Nanning 530000,China)

Abstract:In order to improve the comprehensive utilization value of Hsian-Tsao,the sensory score and texture analysis were used as the investigation indexes, and the single factor test was carried out with the addition amount of white granulated sugar, Hsian- Tsao extract and fermentation time. At the same time, the sensory score was used as the response value to optimize the process parameters of Hsian- Tsao yogurt by response surface methodology. The results showed that the optimum formula of Hsian- Tsao yoghurt was as follows: the addition amount of Hsian- Tsao extract was 9.28%, the addition amount of white sugar was 4.9%, and the fermentation time was 6.11 h. Under these conditions,the sensory score of the prepared Hsian-Tsao yoghurt was 8.23. The taste is uniform and delicate, no stratification, no particle precipitation, no bubbles, and has a unique grassy flavor. Under the optimized conditions,the acidity of Hsian- Tsao yoghurt was 76 oT,the protein content was 3.0 g/100 g,the number of lactic acid bacteria was 2.4×108 CFU/mL,and no coliform bacteria was detected. The test results met the requirements of relevant national food standards for corresponding indicators. Texture analysis showed that the hardness, elasticity, adhesiveness and chewiness of Hsian- Tsao yogurt were significantly higher than those of ordinary yogurt without adding Hsian-Tsao extract (P<0.05) .

Keywords:Hsian-Tsao;yogurt;formula;response surface;texture analysis










  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247